Right Stuf Anime has moved to Crunchyroll Store

Great news! On October 10, 2023, Right Stuf Anime merged with the Crunchyroll Store to give our customers the most fan-first anime and manga shopping experience. And like any epic anime team-up, this new partnership has some pretty cool perks:

  • The Crunchyroll Store now has over 30,000 items available, including 17,000 manga
  • Premium packaging on every order
  • Continue to save up to 20% on manga and 25% on home video every day
  • More exclusive items than anyone else

You can spend less time searching and more time falling in love with our expanded selection of anime and manga. Check out our official press release that announced this exciting team-up!


We know that receiving your collectible in mint condition is of the utmost importance. We’re upgrading our packaging materials and processes to ensure every order arrives safely. Here’s how we package your orders:

  • Step 1: Our packers select custom boxes to best fit your order.
  • Step 2: We use cardboard liners on the inner walls of the box for maximum protection.
  • Step 3: Fill paper around the product also allows for more cushion and product protection.

We’re committed to delivering the best premium packaging experience for our fellow anime and manga fans!


Our home has changed, but our prices haven’t. You will continue to enjoy the same great prices on manga and home videos. Save up to 20% off manga and 25% off home video every day, now on the Crunchyroll Store.

Get More Info

Have questions? We’re here to help! Check out our FAQ to understand how this impacts your existing RightStufAnime.com orders, your Got Anime? membership, or pre-purchased gift cards.